+237695555539 info@necod.org


improving the mental and physical wellbeing of inmates

#IA4H (Innovative Abilities for Harmony) is a Project funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)

This championship involved 6 teams such as Empathy FC, Friendship FC, Visionaries FC, Humanity FC, Integrity FC and Courage FC.
After three weeks of show of talent, Visionaries FC and Empathy FC progressed to the finals and Empathy FC was crowned Inner Peace Champions




Match Officials


Participating in this sports championship helped me to resolve my communication issues and learn how to work together towards a common goal. I can feel that my social skills have really improved especially i was able resole exisiting issues with an inmate who played with me in the same team.


We sometimes play football in the prison but NECOD Inner Peace Championship gave me an opportunity to play for a purpose, which to me is not just the medals, trophies and several other prizes, but to improve my health.


Before joining the my team, I mostly kept to myself and didn’t want to connect with others much. But being part of this championship changed everything for me. We trained hard together, pushed each other to improve, and celebrated our victories as a team. It helped break down walls between inmates; we were no longer just individuals...we became a team that supported each other both on and off the field of play


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